01 April 2009

What happened to the Farmington Star?

Well, it happened. The Farmington Star has become one of those websites. You know the kind that promises big updates that keep taking longer and longer to arrive? Unfortunately, I'm trying to finish a degree at the same time and with work, family and friends, not much time has been available for reconstructing The Farmington Star.

I still own the domain, etc. but I've switched to a new host and all of that great stuff. I have no desire to mess with HTML unless necessary so I'm trying out a new method. The plan is to change the name to something a little more relevant and post new pages as I complete them.

The focus of the new site will be on the park's history with extensive archives and photo galleries. There's still a lot of information, photos, maps and other items I have yet to share.

Updates will be posted here...eventually. I can't promise any kind of time frame right now so I'm not going to.

Thanks to everyone who used the former websites and who sent the emails of appreciation. I'll try not to disappoint you!

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