20 May 2007

Lagoon Trivia Round 2

Answers from Round 1:

1. What day did the Roll-O-Plane break down? 30 June 2002.
2. What was previously located in the space that is now Arby's in Pioneer Village? The General Store.
3. Where can you find postcards from Saltair on display at Lagoon? Pioneer Village Post Office.

Davehi1 is the big winner this week. He was the first to answer correctly on the first question and was only one to get the second question correct. That gives him three points. Nobody got the third question right. I'll keep the scores posted on the sidebar to the right.


1. What year did Lagoon's first thrill ride, Shoot-The-Chutes, open?
2. Cliffhanger and The Spider were built on the site of what former ride?
3. Where was the show Lagoon On Ice performed?

Speed and accuracy are the keys to winning this game. Because of this, I've decided to change the deadline for answers to three days instead of week. So Round 2 will end Wednesday at 6:40pm.


Anonymous said...

1 - 1899
2 - Speedway Sr.
3 - Game Time Pavilion

We'll see how I do this time...

davehi1 said...

#3 would be the Davis Pavillion.